First Snow

Bed- and house-bound as I am after a minor operation on my f00t (more on it yesterday). I took this from our dining area early this morning--a bit more snow had been forecast to fall overnight. Here's a June variant of the view--follow links back for more.

My main reading is a superb 2-volume biography of Bernard Berenson (1865-1959). B.B. (as he was dubbed) was born in Lithuania and moved at age 10 to Boston (my home town). He became the most renown connoisseur of Old Master (especially Italian) paintings in the early decades of the 20th century, and advised American collectors who avidly sought them. I've had the first volume for years but only read parts--now I've started from the beginning. Some or my travels in Europe in the early 1960s overlap with those in his youth. The book is utterly engrossing (volume 2 is on its way).

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