A Recovering Journey

By NigelWB

003-365 'Bus Station'

Hi all,

Todays been a very busy one! My other half, Charlotte is working this weekend (she is a District Nurse) and as we only have one car, I had to take the kids swimming on the bus. Swimming pool is the other side of the city, so its 2 buses there, and 2 back! Added to the fact that Arriva missed our connecting bus out on the way home, we got in a little later than planned.

Got home, and sorted the youngest (Joseph - aged 5 and 11/12!!) ready for a swim party in Ilkeston. A friend very kindly offered to take him as Charlotte was working. In the hour wind I had, I out the Christmas dec boxes back up in the loft and had a bite to eat - then out to pick up Joe from the party, then take Charlotte out to her works night out at 7pm. Phew!! Hopefully tomorrow will be a little quieter!!

So here is image 003-365. This is part of the new bus station in Derby city centre. This particular part is a hotel entrance. Its only a few years old, and I have always admired the stark lines of it when stood underneath. I only had my Samsung Galaxy S3 with me, so used that to capture the image

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