
By andypowe11


Back on the bike early today (I missed yesterday for various reasons), though having set the alarm for 6 (which Sara hates) I didn't actually get myself out of bed until about 6.45. Still, I took my camera with me and there was a nice bit of mist on the River Avon which, I think, has made for a nice blip.

Odd day at work. Went for a pint at lunchtime for someone's leaving do. Then back to the office, Then realised that a mate from the OU was cycling from Bath Spa station to Buckland Dinham (near Frome) to get to Bathcamp (a kind of camping weekend/meeting for geeks), so I left the office a <cough> bit early and cycled with him down the Kennet and Avon Canal to Midford. 'Twas a nice ride, though by the time I got back there wasn't much of the afternoon left ;-).

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