On the Hour

In Ardgour. That's the saying in these parts. This relates to the normal departure times from Ardgour to Corran. It is a time table which has caught me out on countless occasions after a job in may be Ardnamurchan, Lochaline or Mull where there is the added complication of the Fishnish ferry too.
Tonight I missed the four o'clock sailing by about 30 seconds. Excusable if preceded by a commute from one of the aforementioned outposts but we were working right next to the ferry ramp all day. I totally misjudged the time needed to collect our collapsible road signs and various tripods set up around the site. I will try better tomorrow.

The craft on the horizon is the spare Corran Ferry, brought in to use once a year when the normal boat gets its annual service.

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