A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

Hyinks at the Hobbit

Jenny & I have had a day busying our ourselves in & around the flat, making our Christmas cards, knitting tree decorations, baking a Birthday chocolate cake, catching up on Borgen, standard stuff.

In an exciting twist to our Saturday, we trekked over to Guildford to see our dear Spikey. It's been at least six months since I've been here, & probably longer for Jen. We love it & we have many fond memories of our brief & action-packed time at College our. We're staying at Matt & Sam's new pad, & it's a lovely, very spacious & we look forward to coming back again & again! We got some pizzas in & then went to see the Hobbit: the Desolation of Smaug. An incredible & epic film if there ever was! Two & half hours whistled by & we were still hungry for more ork bashing, dragon fleeing, dwarf weapon wielding, elf arrow shooting action, but it wasn't to be - we'll just have to wait.. a year!

Tomorrow it's Matt's 24th Birthday & we're off to Bill's in town for a slap up lunch. Fantastic!

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