0804 to Leeds


“Waiting for a taxi…and the rain to stop!"

I didn't have a chance to roam around like I normally do today, and just as well because as I came into the city it started spitting and an already darkened sky turned more so.

Trying to keep dry, I ventured out of the station towards the centre. People had their umbrellas up everywhere and I never really realised how much of a hindrance that is to spotting potential portraits. Also, people seem to be in more of a rush when it’s raining, or it seemed that way to me anyway.

I saw Delena waiting at the side of the road, and I observed for a little bit thinking she'd move on but she didn't so I decided to approach her. Luckily she was waiting for a taxi and had some time and agreed to a picture. Tough conditions out there with the light and umbrella. I didn't get a picture I was truly happy with but I could tell it was going to be one of those days…

Humans of Leeds

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