SOOOOOO proud!!!!

4years 55days - note this

Today has been a day of "Dear Diary" moments. Today:

Katie swam her first 25m front crawl in the big pool.
Katie passed her first musical theatre exam.
Katie passed her first freestyle exam.
Katie passed the above while in a theatre of 200+ people.
Katie introduced herself to the examiner in front of 200+ people.
Katie had her first "doughnut" bun in her hair (too cute)
Katie chaperoned a dance show (again, too cute!)

Ohhh she's blown my head today with how amazing she's been. She swam the best I've seen her swim in a long time with me. She had a wonderful time playing with Jasmine when her and Victoria arrived. We headed off to the theatre for the exam performances for her dance school today. She went off with the chaperone for her show. She came on so tall and proud for her musical theatre exam. She stood bolt upright. She knew exactly what she was doing. She introduced herself perfectly in a lovely clear voice in front of everybody- which for those of you who know "real life Katie" will know actually this is a big deal. She can dance in front of anyone. Speaking is something totally different. Or was. She just shone as she always does on stage. She then came on for her favourite dance on this planet, in the costume in the blip. The "feel the power" dance. This shot is the "Power" action. She's had weeks of running up to me saying "this is POWER, Mummy".

They came in to watch most of the second half, and she sat down at the front with all her friends. After the exams were done, she had a snack while we waited a while. Mummy was chaperoning for the second performance/set of exams. We went to our room and she was wonderful. The other half of her class were in this session and she helped them all get ready in costume. She helped the bigger girls in our room, checking ballet shoes & socks, running with pins and gel. She gave her ballet socks to one girl who had none. She gave her hair net to someone who hadnt got one. She was fabulous.

She fell asleep in the taxi home with the biggest grin on her face. She is now in bed. I've removed the pins, doughnut and bobbles from her hair. It's barely moved. She will be going straight in the bath in the morning!!

I'll stop gushing soon. But boy was she a little star today. For so very many reasons.

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