Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

No Surfers Today

Today was the day we travelled to Manchester to celebrate our eldest son's birthday. It also happened to be the day of one of the worst storms to hit the Central Belt of Scotland for a few years.

We left at eight o'clock shortly after the power had gone off. We only got a few hundred yards before coming across the first trees blown down. Fortunately some of the locals were already out with chainsaws clearing the road. We got about 3 miles up the "Wee Road" before we found it totally blocked by quite a few fallen trees. Nothing for it but to about turn and head south and try the west coast road. When we reached Westport Beach this was the scene and I just had to stop and get a blip. Actually it was very quick as it was difficult to even stand up! Only the blurred grasses on the left give any sense of the ferocity of the wind. We got as far as Clachan before the next road closure and headed back to Campbeltown for a coffee and some fuel.

I won't bore you with the detail of all the other closures, suffice to say we never got to Glasgow till after 4 o'clock. 8 hours to Glasgow must be something of a record. Still we made it to Manchester for 8.30 and were in bed not long afterwards.

An epic journey we wouldn't like to repeat!

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