
Rain of Biblical proprotions has just passed over, along with gales and hail!! The garden is under water. A gap in proceedings and I went up to the waterfall to see what might be happening. Talk about gushing, and the noise was phenomenal. Wobbly I know, but you do get a feeling of the sheer power and energy.

I popped into school this morning to take buns to the teachers and a teeny santa for each child and got my fair share of glitter. It now feels like a proper Christmas.

Tonight is the Ladies' Book Club Bash and I have to make something as we're having a pot luck supper. We should be discussing The Guernsey Literary and Potatoe Peel Pie Society and West into the night - both excellent books, but as wine and food will be taken we may not get that far. No time for browsing so I'll catch up tomorrow.

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