Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics

Reading time

Daddy made it home an hour before bedtime. The kids love to read with him. It was a Kodak moment....I couldn't resist!

I did read with Katrina for a half hour tonight. She's starting to catch on. Funny when she guesses at a word just because it has the right first letter. She'll get there.

I found a book about Legoland for Ben to read tonight. (Ok, Faraway Gramma probably found it at a thrift store, knowing that he'd love it!) He did! And little sister was listening to him read, too.

Victoria is almost done with her Lizzie McGuire book. She's getting so good at remembering to write it in her Reading Log.

Off to bed they go! They had a long day of make-believe and creating forts out of cardboard boxes. Got the day off from school due to the Jewish Holiday. But of course, we had CCD this afternoon, since the church doesn't celebrate that holiday! And then Girl Scouts, and then soccer. Whew! Sleep well, my little angels!

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