Let it Snow...

Woke to snow everywhere, a light sprinkling that turned everything white and beautiful. The birds were delighted and fetched their peanuts from the mound of snow on the railings of the deck. It was lovely to behold. I took a short walk as I picked up the newspaper from the bottom of our driveway. This is a view of our back garden blanketed with snow. The cat garden art looks so good against the snow. I debated between the color version and the black and white. Finally I chose this one. How beautiful it is here now.

We have one appointment today, Arvin's Physical Therapy, and it looks like the roads are passable so we will go. He always feels so much better and we both love Margo, his therapist. She is so kind and very good at what she does.

Happy days to you all. Tomorrow is my brother Steve's birthday. Yesterday was my sister-in-law Nora's birthday. They are two days apart in age. :) Mine is in January and Arvin's is the 31st. Lots of winter celebrations. :)

Note: We didn't make it to the PT appointment. Tried but realized really fast it was a no go. Now the car is parked at the bottom of the driveway and we are cozy at home. ;-)

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