Main hall closet - ordered!

One of our friends is a closet designer of a finnish firm. She was a big help to us as today we designed a new main hall closet for our home. The old one had to be torn down due of the water pipe and air exceeding renovation. Had a nice cup of tea, coffee and some buns with her after the desinging job. Nice to have all kind of true and dear specialists around!

I could easily spend all that time walkin in the hardware store with the crutches - my hurt knee is not too sore, but I really have to step straight, it does not allow any wristing or bending movements.

Visiting my dad this evening. He was in a quite good shape, his wife too - happy for that.

The shortes daylight of the year today: sunrise at 9:43am and sunset at 3:04pm - in between thick clouds and pure rain. +2c. Waiting for another storm tomorrow... Well, maybe that is good - the rest of the ice are melting!

In today's blip there is our own Amaryllis.
Which reminds me to thank for the stars for the white Amaryllis yesterday - and I have to give a special thanks, for the support and ideas yesterday too, as I really was a bit upset at first as I hurt my knee in slippery ice. I was not alone, I know - in my circle of acquaintances there was three friends that had problems with slippery ways on friday...

Hope you can take your xmas without any stress? - Let's just enjoy about closest friends, light and relax! Xmas is soon here!

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