Tynemouth Flea Market

Tynemouth Flea Market

'Break the day'
The weather was pretty awful, but surprisingly it was lovely up at Tynemouth. Crisp blue skies and very few people around; perhaps they were all doing their last minute Xmas shopping. We went to the flea market and bought some fleas - well, a tiny little crystal decanter, a hat for a pound and some free range sausages. A fairly strange mix really, but what do you expect from the eclectic mix of stalls. It was also a birthday, so we went back for cake and tea and the present opening ceremony.

Another 'eclectic' selection; a beautiful round cheese from the middle of France, and a lovely surprise of a bottle of fantastic champagne from the lovely French couple where M has been working in the restaurant recently - Merci ! C'etait une bonne surprise Raphaelle et Xavier :)

A storm blew up when we were coming back - just shows how the weather can change so fast, and this serene picture becomes stormy.

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