A time for everything

By turnx3

Under the Channel

It was a beautiful sunny winter's afternoon as we left home to head to England for Christmas. The first bit of our route took us along the River Seine, and it was so still - almost like glass. However, we were later leaving home than we had intended so we didnt want to stop to take a picture, so instead you get a rather boring picture taken on the shuttle through the Channel tunnel. In general we like to take the ferry - its a bit cheaper, but it also gives you more of a chance to get out and stretch your legs and get something to eat if you want. However, with it being winter, we decided to play it safe and take the tunnel, in case it was stormy. We'd had a good run up to Calais, taking a new route, which was longer in distance, but avoided the usual traffic delays on our usual route. Once in England we ran into some rain - surprise, surprise (!) - but other than that we continued to have a good run, and finally reached Roger's sister's in Appleton, near Warrington around 12.30 am, having stopped for a meal at a motorway service station early on.

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