But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Hold Up.

Christmas started with a nearly four hundred mile drive to visit Sis in Didcot. The plan is for me to take her to Bristle to visit The Old Lady for a few days. The weather was not good for the journey with torrential downpours and gale force winds; it was not, however, as bad as the weather forecast predicted, nor as bad as experienced by other areas of Britain (100 thousand homes in the south west without electricity). Most drivers were behaving sensibly - not too fast or too close - though I did come across a couple of lorry drivers trying to bully their way through.

There was a hold up of about 45 minutes when the weather was at its worst, presumably due to an accident, when the motorway became a car park and several police cars and an ambulance sped past on the hard shoulder. Surprisingly, for most of the 45 minutes wait, most of the cars sat there with their headlights, engines and windscreen wipers running. Don't they know that it all costs money?

It was nice to sit down at the end of the journey with a nice hot cup of coffee.

I've just posted Friday's blip, "Little Donkeys."

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