Day 359: The Day Before Christmas

It's been a hell of a day. Sadly I had to work at the shop this morning, from what i was told, I fully expected to work 4 hours and not see another soul. However I sold about £300 quid worth of paint within 10 mins. Which was surprising. Luckily for me it then died a death, I have all my staff the day off and we were only open until 12. I spent the rest of the morning downing lemsip and watching season 3 of falling skies on my kindle. (Which was awesome BTW!)

McCombers arrived at 12 to pick me up and we decided to celebrate Christmas Eve with the most festive of lunches, a Burger King!

After our royal lunch we headed home and we took on the mammoth task of making Cheesecake for pudding tomorrow. Something neither of us had ever attempted before. After much measuring and mixing and smashing of biscuits, I'm confident we've got a stupendous cheesecake on our hands. Only time will tell, it's being left in the fridge over night to set, roll on Christmas lunch!

We spent the rest of the afternoon looking after McCombers nephew, Jamie. During which time we went on a bear hunt! This involves McCombers hiding Several of Jamie's teddy bears throughout the house, and myself and Jamie attempting to find them, armed with a bear hunting stick( a toy golf club), a shield ( a baking tray) and a magic potion to calm they bears down as they are captured ( this is an empty jug).

Suffice to say the bear hunt was a success and myself and Jamie managed to capture and secure 9 bears!

Not bad for an afternoons work.
Once the evening came I was knackered from all the hunting of killer bears, so a Chinese was called for, something which has started to become a Christmas Eve tradition. A Chinese followed by construction of Jamie's big present, (pictured above). It's a train set from Early learning Centre, myself and Jamie's Dad put it together in under 2 hours, and compared to last years fiasco with the fire truck, it was easy peasy.

He better like it, we put a lot of effort into building it for him, but if he doesn't, I'll just go round and play with it every day!!

Festive times!!

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