Keith B

By keibr

Read the photo!

This is a message to all the blippers who see it, but especially to those whose photos I regularly see and/or who regularly take a look at my offerings. In a small way I get to share a small part of the lives of people around the world, and in exchange I gladly offer a small share of my own life.
I am so happy to have become a part of the blip world. I see photographs taken by really excellent photographers and other snapped by people who want to record a detail of their lives and aren't in the least worried by the technical stuff. There are those with fantastic equipment and those with an old phone camera. Some spend hours in photoshop, others point and shoot. I read poetic messages and really simple messages, long descriptions or a few words, or occasionally just the date. What is important is that none of that stuff is important - we are all here for our reasons and it seems to me we all accept everyone else's reasons for being here. And in the world today that is no bad thing.
If Christmas is your thing read the photo. If it's not I'll wish you a Happy Holiday or a happy festive period or just happiness and peace.

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