
By Namaikisaru


I made it past 30 photos! And now I find myself faffing around in the kitchen again when I should be asleep.

This time its a Japanese maple leaf frozen in ice. I knew I wasn't going anywhere today apart from the run to playgroup and back so I froze some leaves. There wasn't actually any ice today but it was damn cold first thing this morning.

Christmas was fun with friends but we had to leave early-ish and then after chatting with family on Skype the missus became suddenly ill. She wasn't actually drunk but her body is in looking after baby mode and had decided it didn't want the champagne she had drunk. I was trying to get baby to stop crying and go to sleep so I could clean up after her. Not fun but everyone is OK now. A rubbish finish to an otherwise good ex-pat xmas.

Today, being back at work was much more relaxing.

People are already tearing down their Christmas decorations to make way for New years decorations. Both my brother and y wife said they would start doing blipfoto everyday from the first of 2014. I'm interested to see if they do.

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