Boxing Day

The river had flooded a few days ago and was still high, so after coffee we decided to walk home that way to take a look.

It had receded a little, though was still fairly high, I like this photo shot into the sun towards Holy Trinity through the branches.

There were quite a few people around, some no doubt shopping, not my idea of how to spend Boxing Day. It was good to get out in the fine weather prior to the forecast storms of tomorrow.

This afternoon we vegetated, watching the Hull City – Man U match, David via Goliath, even though they lost by one goal I thought Hull did very well and were not fazed by the big boys.

Tea will be the remains of yesterday’s lunch. A veritable feast prepared by Emma and her boyfriend Andy. Who says you need turkey for a ‘proper’ Christmas Day lunch? They had prepared filo parcels of mushrooms prepared three ways (sounds like MasterChef) with all the trimmings, including veggie sausages, and leek and chestnut stuffing. Excellent!

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