1095 Plus 1!

I had no idea yesterday was my three year blip anniversary. Three years with no misses and no backblips! The pressure has been heavy at times, especially on my husband, who dreads the words, "I don't have a blip," and I probably would have quit long ago if Jake hadn't come into our lives to give me a whole new focus! Now it is such a part of my day and so many of you such a part of my daily life I can't even think about stopping!! Today I am grateful for all of you who stop by, sometimes giving stars and hearts, often oohing and aahing over Jake, hummingbirds, flowers and scenic Oregon spots, and always offering thoughtful and generous comments. It's not about the photography now as much as it is the friendships!! This hummingbird was about to take flight, but I'm not going anywhere!!

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