Here we come!

I was forced to give up on Polish tradition of unwrapping Christmas gifts on Christmas Eve night. Terrible! I have to wait one more night. And that's on top of spending Christmas in the middle of summer.

This is one of many photos taken from the corner of the room with the camera set up on time lapse. I came across this idea somewhere on the great wide web. For the first time ever I appear in the picture.

So, what was this Christmas morning like? I woke up at 5.30 am and couldn't sleep. Then Mr H got up at quite an early hour. And we had to wait for ages for Hanna to drag herself from the bed. Something is not right with that order.

We were invited for Christmas lunch to friends' house and we really enjoyed this relaxing day. I know that the hosts never relax as much. We did a lot of sitting around the pool or in the pool (some), drinking, talking and admiring this perfect summer day. Fifth time in Oz, it still doesn't feel like Christmas to me.

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