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It looks good but Stephen is snagged (rather than battling a mighty King Fish).

I spent a happy half day with my brother Stephen and nephew Sam fishing. We trolled and tried for bait fish on the coastline around Waiwera and Wenderhome. Oddly we ended up anchored over a Snapper nursery!

We motored on out to Flat Rock and reef system out behind Kawau Island. Other than the undersized Snapper we did catch 3 decent Kahawai but not King Fish.

The distraction was great but I felt so sad returning to Mum and Dad's place. Of course I told Dad all about the fish and bird life, especially the school of hundreds of Kahawai that surfaced in unison like a crescendo in a symphony.

But I missed telling Mum.

Then it was a meeting with the minister (smelling like fish ;-) and starting the slide show for Mum's funeral.

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