Lets resurrect an old series.

I walked Jasper into the village this morning so we could use the internet properly, Steve and I that is, not Jasper.

We've been lighting the fire each time we've come here to try and warm the house through a bit, as it's been empty for two weeks, and we will probably move back here tomorrow or the next day. Whichever place we're living though, at the Mas or in the village, I always find that I'd like to be at the other place for a couple of hours a day to get jobs done. It's a problem when your vegetable garden is 3k away.

I don't know if we'll be bothering to stand in the square at midnight, stuffing twelve grapes into our mouths in time with the church bells. It seems a lot of bother, and there's no alternative but to eat the pips and the bits of stalk too, there just isn't time to spit them out. But, whatever you're doing, enjoy it, i un Feliç Any Nou a tothom!

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