Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

The begining of an end?

Those of you that follow my journal may remember my trip here in July. Well today I had my follow up appointment with the cardiologist. Now I don't much like doctors and hospitals. Over the 5/6 years that I have been unwell I've had a lot of false promises from the NHS as to what might be causing my problems. I have had my hopes built up and then broken to pieces when their theory based purely on assumptions hasn't worked.

Today someone based things on fact. I have a problem with my blood pressure and the cardiologist is convinced this is what has been causing my dizziness, faints, blackouts and seizures (apparently in severe cases it can appear that a person is seizing/fitting). The more I research it, the more it makes sense. It fits my symptoms and how I feel between falls, it fits all the triggers that I know have ever caused it. It makes sense. I'm not dwelling on the fact that 5 years ago a neurologist said it was probably my blood pressure but then due to a change in consultant they never did the relevant tests because well, I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't been through the things I have.

I then got a celebratory present from lush and had a very productive and informative meeting in the afternoon. There's a bottle of pink champagne in the fridge.

Lets hope this is the begining of the end of this chapter of my life and that soon I'll be able to move on and live a normal life (well as normal as my life will ever be).

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