
By mically

Happy New Year 2014!

138! mini fireworks in one box...

As the first picture of the year, my first 365 project, I was motivated to get out of bed early, ok 7ish, and work around the neighbourhood. I thought it might be a boring walk, but lo and behold, I was strucked by a gem of a find. Last night, we were treated to a cacophony of fireworks all around us, witnessing the beauty of the fireworks. However, through this picture, I was able to capture a 'behind the scene' view, on the morning after, something I have always wanted to do, but not able to. Shot the picture low down in my humble LX5, ran it through Lightroom, applied T-Max 3200 film simulation via DxO Filmpack (one of the favourite BW film!) for the grains, and touched up the tone and highlights in DxO Optics 9. Proud of my first effort :)

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