Another busy day.

This morning we drove out into the Northumberland countryside and ended up in Rothbury. It was rainy and cold but we braved the weather and had a wander. Not many shops were open but we found a cafe and had coffee. We went down by the river Coquet which was in full spate. We fancied a pub lunch but the tables in all the pubs were reserved so we were out of luck. We drove to Thropton - a small village about 2 miles from Rothbury - and found The Three Wheat Heads - a 300 year old coaching inn - which had plenty of room.

Becky had Cumberland sausage and mash and Mike and I had fish, chips and mushy peas. As you can probably tell I am not sticking to the Slimming World plan over the festive period.

After the meal we drove on through the Northumberland National Park. It was raining heavily and visibility was poor. Mike stopped the car so I could take this shot of some wet sheep. The Forum Challenge for today is white - I think these sheep may fit the bill.

On the way home Mike fancied a pint in one of the pubs in my village but it was packed out with blokes watching the football so we just came home. ( Not a good day for Newcastle United - they were beaten 1 - 0 at West Brom. )

We just chilled out for a while before Mike and I started cooking the " Christmas Dinner". We had a lovely chicken with all the trimmings. Mango cheesecake for pud. Then we watched TV - Sherlock and Match of The Day. Becky has done the packing ready for their journey home tomorrow. Their visit has come to an end all too soon.

Neil messaged me to say he had enjoyed the New Year celebrations in Sydney. He is off again on an adventure to Port Stephens which is further up the coast.

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