A Fiery Dawn

I almost missed the sunrise this morning. Having driven to the Wither Hills Farm Park I was planning to walk up to “The Lookout” for some spectacular views of what promised to be a dramatic dawn sky. My timing was a bit out as when I drove into the car-park the sky changed dramatically before my very eyes. So it was out of the car, out with the camera, tripod and remote like greased lightning. Just in time to capture some rather lovely images near the car-park.
I still trudged up the hill for more images in differing light. There I constantly met up with many of my “Hill Friends”. Some I had not seen for a long time. So we had catch-up chats. I photographed some of my Hill Friends….great fun people.
Consequently I was later in getting home than planned. Disaster waited. The internet was down! Oh dear, oh dear. Keith was so upset as he spends ages on the internet every day looking up stuff. We were both a bit taken aback when we realised how dependent we have become on this technology... Thus followed a long phone call to the Help folk…based in the Philippines. J the technician was most helpful but it turned out that it was our modem at fault. We have had that modem for years so it owes us nothing. The surgery system and net-work was routed through the same modem before Keith retired. Luckily for us our IT person is also a personal friend and he was able to come to the rescue. So now we have a nice new modem and Keith said it felt like Christmas again once the internet was up and running smoothly again. Phew! And I can up-load today’s blip…..

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