Fatherly Love

Dr T and I ventured out to our favourite café for their breakfast - they do a wonderful veggie breakfast with tasty veggie haggis and Dr T seems fond of the carnivorous version. We rarely go out for a meal, let alone breakfast, so it feels like a proper treat. It was soooo lovely.

Today's blip was stolen at the café. This father and child were irresistible. I was struck how this sight, almost ordinary by today's standards, would not have been seen forty or fifty years ago - a father caring so tenderly for his child in public.

After breakfast Dr T went home to work and I meandered around town for a bit and then went to see The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Again. I loved it even more the second time around.

Tonight we're back at The Filmhouse to see Saving Mr Banks. I hope it's good!

Edinburgh Blipmeet - Saturday

A few more photos from today.


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