My Angle

By myangle


This is what I love about Milo. She doesn't really care what we do with her, as long as she gets attention and warmth.

Burmese cats are the best.

Jo asked me to put Milo out so I picked her up like this as I often do. She was so cute I decided to Blip her (again).

Work was good today. My boss took the day off which in some ways was good. I had to deal with problems as they arose and spent a lot of time on the phone. It was one of the biggest learning days for me since I started there. I also got to talk to a lot of clients, introducing myself so they remember me in future.

I have TV dinner in the oven.

Tonight I plan to do some more research into restoring Jo's little car, Babydoll. It is time. She (the car) is getting a bit tired looking and sounding.

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