LOOK OUT! There's a Spider Behind You!

This is the universal cat symbol for "There's a spider on the wall behind you!"

It doesn't matter if the spider is teensie or huge. (Or if, instead of a teensie spider, there is an axe murderer in the house.) The cat uses the same symbol, regardless. The same look. Somewhat horrified, but also obsessed. Intrigued, maybe. But obsessed.

We human denizens of the house, we try our best to keep peace with spiders. We recognize their value in the grand scheme of things. We cultivate our appreciation for them. In fact, we offer them amnesty. We move them outside. Carefully, captured in a glass jar, and moved to the front porch. Released immediately.

But it is too cold out now for spiders. Much too cold. So we sort of pretend they aren't there. ("Climb a bit higher," I whisper to the spiders, when my husband isn't listening. When the cat isn't there.)

But the Tabby, well, he can't be reasoned with. He sees the spider and he is a Tabby obsessed. Peace? There will be no peace between him and spiders . . .

The soundtrack: The Who, Boris the Spider.

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