Watch out for that beak!

A very windy day - quite wild. I watched the birds in the garden clinging onto branches and the feeders and getting swayed in the wind. This is a Great Spotted Woodpecker, a frequent visitor to our peanuts. It’s a male, with the distinctive red patch on the back of the head.He clung on as the feeder swung round and round. Looking at that beak, you can see why the other birds keep well away and wait until he flies off, which he does at the slightest sound. Hence this was taken though the window. A kind friend gave me a remote for my camera for Christmas, but there was no way I could leave the camera outside today!

Coming late to Cathaber’s Sound Illustration Challenge, this is my contribution. A sound I often hear when I walk through the woods below our house. That beak is extraordinarily hard, as well as sharp!

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