
By KatPrice

New Year's Eve

Ended the year with a silly photo - best way to do it. This is me (the first photo of me on my own blip - attractive or?) and Hannah's Grandpa playing Quelf, a hilarious game which involves doing the craziest, funniest, most random stuff you could imagine. There was yodelling, cheerleading, people under tables... our challenge here was to make a snorkel out of household items. I think we did pretty well!

Such a great end to the year, spent with some of my best and oldest friends from school (feels like an age ago now...), just a casual house party at Hannah's with her family. We played Quelf, Pictionary, Charades, it was brilliant, and at the stroke of midnight it was all champagne, fireworks and sparklers. Most of us didn't overdo it on the alcohol, although I think that my singing during the song lyrics game may have been slightly loud and terrible. Who cares? If there's one motto I do live by it's not taking oneself too seriously. Life becomes so boring when you can't just be silly and laugh about it. And Fradd and I totally owned the song game anyway, we were all pretty spectacular. Bring on 2014!

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