Mushroom .....

..... head.

I've had a fairly productive day today. I managed to get a place on this year's Yorkshire Marathon ( in October ) this morning so have a challenge to get the damaged ankle working properly.

I put in a claim for the train journey down to London before Christmas, the delay was over 2 hours so I should get a full fare refund.

Appointments have been booked for both the dentist and opticians, last months photos have been backed up and I've been in to town to get a few printed for people.

Three loads of washing have been done, there's been a trip to the local recycling centre and I've stocked up on logs for the fire. I also had a text from Yearofhappy letting me know about some exciting photo news ( watch this space next week ).

I'm about to get started on putting together a photo book as friends very kindly gave me a voucher to get one made online as one of my Christmas gifts. None of the above involved taking photos so I've used one of the ingredients for tonight's meal and today's blip is .....

..... Mushroom head.

More things on heads.

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