One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Grump of the Woods

A valuable lesson was learnt today.

Dresses may look pretty, but they are not very practical in the forest.
Navy wellies may have matched the tights better, but one size too small makes a difference after a mile or two.

We did try the conciliatory approach and get her to see that the outfit was not adapted for the intended use.
And then we ran out of time and tackled other issues (Finnzy Bob running barefoot in the street?) and forgot to switch back to the default parental mode: the imperative negative ('Mimi, you are not wearing this, no way!)  

At the end of the walk, I thought that the perfect opportunity had arisen to reinforce a point and learn from a mistake.
As we were getting back to the car I asked Mimi if she could then see why Mum and Dad had strongly advised her to wear jeans and wellies that fit.

Her reply: 'But Dad, I really like my dress'

I am quite certain that she will in her lifetime buy at least 5 pairs of shoes that do not quite fit but look gorgeous in the shop.

Valuable lesson my fluffy arse.

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