By TECHris


Tomorrow is Old Christmas Day, but today is the last day before heading back to work on Monday. So we are celebrating by serving the last of the Christmas Puddings for dessert. Here is pudding #2 about to be flambé'd and then served with hard sauce. (The larger pudding #1 was served on Christmas Day.)

I am sorry to see the end of the Christmas season, especially as our last weekend has been pre-occupied with the bitterly cold weather and rolling blackouts. Conservation measures are in place and that has meant no Christmas lights. As I write this we have just experienced a fairly serious brown-out or under-frequency event and it appears that much of the city has lost power - again.

This deliberately over-processed image was a quick grab shot as the hot rum was being applied prior to ignition - always a tense moment for some reason. I have tried to give it a warm fuzzy tone that matches the satisfied feeling one gets after second helpings!

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