
By 0akisland

Such a Stressful Day

My ICT teacher has got such a grudge against me! She says that I can have a coursework meeting over email and then when I actually email her now I can't! One rule for me another for everyone else! I'm looking forward to college to see people I haven't in ages, but I just don't want to go to ICT and face her. I think that ship has sailed considering it's my first lesson Wednesday.

I haven't been blubbing to Desperate Housewives today, so I suppose that's a good thing. Instead I'm watching The 7:38, but there's always tomorrow.

I could get quite into this Blipfoto thing, it could even become part of my daily routine. I just like writing a load of rubbish really, so I just take photo's of anything to write a diary entry. Excuse to Bombay Mix photo please?

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