Song For Saturday

By willmoran


Another relatively quiet day, highlight probably being going to Sainsbury's and buying a nice new big cast iron shallow casserole dish pan thingy that's in the photo whilst it's half price. Made toad in the hole which was so and so, tasted alright but think it needed a bit more batter / less sausages and quite a lot of the batter stuck to the pan which was a tad annoying. Also bought a shed loafs of flour so I start making more bread regularly.

Finally bought myself a new camera, a Ricoh GR to be precise. Wanted a Ricoh GR series cam for a while now, really like how small they are. I used to really want to be a street photographer / photojournalist but I always seem to get really self conscious when just taking photos on the fly in the street, especially with a noticeable slr in my hand. Think it's because I worry quite a bit, and assume somebody with notice me and then take offence or something, Anyway, we'll see how using this out and about feels when I get it. Not too sure when it's supposed to arrive yet, hopefully by the end of the week.

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