By mackinnon

Temperate palm house, Botanic gardens.

Went for a butcher's at the new place today. Frankly, I think this is still the more splendid of the many glorious buildings here. Shame you have to pay to get in though these days.

I did like the new addition and it's a rare pleasure to see somewhere I loved as a kid actually being enhanced by modernity. That said, I'm glad I wasn't hungover when I ascended the bouncy staircase. Is it meant to do that? The restaurant looks pretty impressive too with a lot of wine and salad being imbibed there today. Not by me I hasten to add. We sat in the sun and ate our 'yesterday's chicken' sarnies.

EDIT: Her indoors just read this and would like it to be known we are not living like a pair of Victorian rag-tags pushing our noses up against the windows of restaurants and eating out of the bins. The chicken in the sarnies was marinaded in paprika, pan fried in olive oil, smothered in lime mayo and served on thinly sliced home-made bread.

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