A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

All change?

He thinks these pictures are completely different; I'm not so sure*. I can't remember with the first one but with this one he was definitely struggling to keep a straight face. He is very happy at being due a passport renewal. We have 6 weeks until it's needed so we have the luxury of using the postal service as opposed to the three days we had last time necessitating a panicked trip to Victoria.

Today has been a lot of admin, work and home in reasonably fairly equal measure, and satisfyingly more has been accomplished than I imagined possible when I woke with a sore throat and head full of cold this morning. And despite their visible and vocal reluctance to go, the kids not only survived their first day back at school but seem to have actively enjoyed themselves and were highly forthcoming with tales and information. Seems the break might actually have served its purpose for once. Sometimes it feels that we are sending them back after the holidays more tired than at the start and as they crawled there this morning, it was a relief to see them with some energy at the end of the day.

Tomorrow will require some proper work and a stepping up of brain power from me so I hope I can follow the kids' fine example.

Lesley x

*EDIT - now he's seen them side by side on here he thinks they look the same...

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