Sleeping Beauty

My little sleeping Beauty. After I read 15 books and sang many songs while rubbing her back, Moira was ready for her nap. I thought she was completely asleep when I put her in the crib, but she opened her eyes and reminded me that she needed her animals. She loves her stuffed animals. She likes to sleep with them all! These are only a fraction of the ones she owes. Fortunately for me, most of them live in her room at home.

Day 4 of my organization challenge is going very well. I had more time to work on my pantry while Moira napped. I am almost done! Yeah! I also started cleaning out my kitchen cabinets. I threw away somethings and added to the ever growing pile of donations. Friday is my target date to take everything I am donating to our favorite charity's thrift store. I am on a mission!

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