The Rain Returns

After three wonderful cold sunny days the rain has returned to the Pacific Northwest. This is normal weather for this time of the year so we should be used to it and feel like we are welcoming an old friend back home. Well... that is the "should". But the actual is more complicated. The rain is actually an old friend but sometimes old friends overstay their welcomes. And from the look of the forecast our old rainy friend will be here for the foreseeable future. Still. I am not complaining because I know the weather so many of my fellow blippers are enduring right now. So I am doing my best to enjoy the return of the rain. :) Here is the view of the lake from our deck this morning to remind us all of how it is here in Winter.

Today Arvin and I went to the Colophon Cafe to gather with many of the wonderful people I paint with to have lunch together and celebrate Kelsey's wonderful collection of paintings that are currently on display there. If you are close by, take a look. Her's are the ones of swimmers. Really great fun.

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