Stick insect

I got the wonderful news today that I have a contract to do a camera job in Columbus, Ohio at the end of February – and it’s something I really wanted to do, but never thought I would be offered a deal. The job is at the Arnold Sports Festival, February 27 - March 2. It is the biggest fitness event of its type in the world.

The event will feature 18,000 athletes competing in 50 sports and events and 175,000 attendees over four days. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jim Lorimer have co-produced the Arnold Sports Festival since 1989. The Arnold Fitness Expo is held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center where I will be based half of the time.

The Strongman and Fitness competition Finals will be held at the famous old Veterans Memorial Hall which is being torn down right after this festival, and rebuilt without an auditorium.

It will be a great - and sentimental weekend, as the competition has been held in this venue for the past 25 years. I first covered this exciting event in 2001, and many times since, with Paladian assisting me on 3 occasions, but not this time. Hope the weather will be a bit warmer by then!

That being the case – the sh** has hit the proverbial fan, and I’ve been super busy making bookings. Such that when blip time came today, I asked Paladian if she would carry out a seek and find mission on my behalf. A mission which she was more than happy to undertake I might add.

She came back with this little beauty (nothing in comparison to her own little beauty, but I can’t complain).

We don’t really know what it is, but best guess is a small – as in baby – stick insect. Certainly not a mantid – the eyes are wrong. But being a teenager we are not sure what he will be like went fully grown.

More green.

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