The Wren

By TheWren

Solar energy to welcome the new Year

We set our alarms and were off at the crack of dawn this morning en route to Disneyland in Los Angeles, a four and a half hour drive through the desert. On the way we passed this recently opened and huge solar plant taking up 3,500 acres in the Mojave Desert near the border between Nevada and California, called Ivanpath and it is the largest solar plant of its kind. "Unlike traditional photovoltaic cells, where semiconductors create an electronic circuit to convert solar radiation into energy, Ivanpah uses "heliostats," or giant computer-controlled mirrors, that focus the sun's energy onto boilers located atop 459-foot towers, creating steam that powers turbines, thus creating energy. The water is then air-cooled and recycled in a closed-loop system.. As we drove past we could see the mirrors but from the distance they just looked like waves of silver gossamer billowing underneath the four enormous towers but we could clearly see the steam from the top of the towers. Apparently at its peak this plant will power 140,000 homes in California. The shot was taken from the moving car so apologies for lack of composition, but I hope it gives you an idea of the scale and setting for this plant.!

We reached Los Angeles just after mid-day and once we had checked in to our hotel we headed for the magic of the Disney world. Naiively I thought it would close at 7 or 8pm and we would be able to get back to the hotel, tuck the boys into bed and settle in for a relaxed evening! Not a bit! We were still there at 10.30pm pulling our fleeces about us to keep warm but still revelling at our first taste of the Disney extravaganza.

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