Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Happy Blooming Birthday

Tess being nine today.

It didn't go to plan.
She couldn't eat her breakfast. She complained of stomach ache. She went to school but came straight back home again.
We cancelled all the plans for her evening with her friends.
She flopped around the sitting room watching TV.

She started to feel better.

She threw balloons around the sitting room.
She insisted I decorate her cake and on helping me decorate the cake.
She ate tea.
She good-humouredly helped me stage this miserable picture.
She blew out her number 9 candle.
She watched a film and ate popcorn and had more cake.

She insisted on staying up until 10pm and talking incessantly.

We're rescheduling her birthday do for another day, so she seems fairly content.

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