
My lovely sister very kindly invited us to a pre-birthday meal.

She and my brother-in-law had missed their Christmas dinner as they'd both been struck down with illness, so today there was a feast.

I love my sister's cooking and hospitality. It always feels very comfy and warm to be with her. No airs and graces, just honest and down-to-earth. The way I like it :)

---Thank you Janice & Jim xx---

P.S. I was determined today to get a photo of my sister. She is very camera-shy and it's so frustrating not to have photos of her.

Guess who won?
Not me....*sigh*, although I tried.

This is the closest I got - a necessarily sneaky shot. (Normally my phone is put away before I hit the dinner table but stealth was my only chance...! The direct approach proved unsuccessful. Stalling strategies and avoidance). I will not give up.

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