If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Cyanistes caeruleus

I am beginning to make a habit of this! This morning I took a couple of "safety net"
shots through the living room window. Then in the afternoon I was going out to take some
scenic, well outdoor shots at least. Well by now you have guessed it, I wasn't happy with
any of my afternoon shots so ended up with garden birds (Blue Tit) - again!

The rest of the day followed our usual Sunday pattern clickychick was up and out early while
I had my usual Sunday lie in. It was well worth her while as she ended up with this shot, taken at time when I hadn't even realized it was Sunday :-)

FredaH came for lunch after church. During the afternoon I made my useless attempt at outdoor shots.
Our main meal of the day is always in the evening and CC used a recipe gleaned from a fellow blipper. I am pleased to report it worked well.

In the evening I sat down to post this blip but after Firefox had mysteriously closed for no
apparent reason 3 or 4 times I gave up. Let's hope this is more successful.

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