Cleaning Up

The fall out from yesterday's party could be seen on the newly cleaned windows where exuberant five year olds sent outside to work off their sugar rush thought fit to press their snotty little noses and sticky fingers against the glass in a teasing game of 'hide from the camera in Grandma's hand'. They won, no photos were taken. HL has already been out with the window cleaner to remove the offensive DNA.

The other fall out is that because 'tidying up' by His Lordship after the party meant eating all the remaining biscuits, of which there were a fair few, instead of putting them back in the biscuit tin, he is now threatening to go on a diet.

This means he will be no fun at all, although I am pretty certain that this phase will last no longer than a week during which time he will become cranky and bad tempered but will then revert to type.
There are after all 3 boxes of chocolates in the wings waiting to be eaten.

Perhaps the owner of this red door in Victoria Street needs to get on board with his effort of cleaning up.

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