Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox


Today I went creekside to tutor, which always affords the opportunity to see the hub of Dubai's commercialism as I cross over the bridge separating the two sides!

The Wharfage area is just fabulous steeped in history and stretching gloriously alongside the Creek bank north of Maktoum Bridge. Countless creaking wooden dhows, like these, are moored in time-honoured tradition, loading and unloading their diverse cargoes brought in from a hundred and one different places with exotic sounding names.

Bursting with colour and activity, the whole area is home to a way of life that has remained intact since Dubai’s earliest days. Its not unusual to feel you've somehow landed in a time warp in one of the busiest bustling cities in the region!!

Pallet after pallet line the quayside, filled with goods and foodstuffs of every kind, and its not uncommon to see the odd car or two ready for loading...en route to their final destination!

But...."What is life if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare!"

Needs must and a quick shot before moving on. Hope they never move the dhows from their berths here!!! It would destroy the whole heritage of this city!

Happy Blipping Everyone

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