
By CarrieEllenA

A woman walked into a nursery...

I hardly know where to begin. The name of the plant is completely unappealing to me as it sounds like some viral cancer, Sarcococca. The flowers are tiny and fairly nondescript, really just a tiny fringe at the end of a tube that would give a pencil lead a tight fit. Really more appealing in a sea creature than a garden plant. What got my attention was the smell, no the fragrance, of these tiny flowers. When I walked in the nursery the fragrance whelmed me. Not over-whelmed like a teenager who has bathed in cheap scent, but certainly surrounded. It isn't citrusy as a daphne is in spring. Nor syrupy like a honeysuckle on a warm summer day. but almost a balance between the two. and then the kicker. The small print thing that told me I had a place near my front door for this winter treasure. It prefers shade. I carefully comb through racks of plants and seeds. If it needs sun, then I have two or perhaps three spots in my garden. The options are so limited that I want the showiest things possible and they had better like to be crowded. But a shade plant that adds to the garden? I have all the room in the world. So while I haven't placed this shy one in the ground yet, she will live close to the door where I can enjoy her aura through the winter and the birds can find the berries in the summer.

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