fleeting visions

By eyeGillian


It so happened that we were finishing our final jar of homemade Meyer Lemon Marmalade this morning when I suddenly said: "marmatude".

"What's that?" asked my partner.

"It means you have a sunny attitude, but not overly sweet or saccharine," I said. "Oh yes, and it means you are full of zest and savour for life."

"Like marmalade," said my partner as she scraped out the last of the jar with a spatula, smacking her lips.

"Yes, exactly. And it's not a fair-weather attitude - like strawberry jam, which is so sweet & delightful in summertime but loses its fresh appeal by mid-winter."

"What if you don't like marmalade? Where is your marmatude then?" she asked.

"Well, my parents don't eat marmalade, but they enjoy marmite. So they still have marmatude - maybe not so sunny but every bit as zesty!"

So there you go: show me your marmatude!

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